Blockchain development introduction

Blockchain development introduction

In the Current World Scenario, Cryptocurrency is getting more popular and people becoming millionaires effectively. Well, People Often say that Banks will not give their security to your Cryptocurrency but this is only A Surface, Real thing is behind the Cryptocurrency that is Blockchain. Cryptocurrency is an example of Mega tech of stuff called BlockChain.

The world is becoming more and more technical but still, some of them don't know what are blockchain and its usages and how they can develop them. For the developers, Blockchain provides more security from money laundering systems, music royalties tracking.


What is BlockChain development

Blockchain is the group of computers with a network connection and connect with other computer's networks and consistently running alongside with them, this is what is called blockchain client. The Bitcoin blockchain, Ethereum blockChain is an example of a blockchain client.

Types of Developer in This Field.

- Core Developers.

- App Develpopers.

Core Developers

Core Developers are those who write the code for blockchain clients. Low-level programming languages are being used in this field.

C, C++, Go, Rust are some languages that are being used. As a Core Developer, you need to know How the operating system of the computer, System Files, and networking.

Well, it takes time to Master these things as a core developer but also there are not many core developers in the market because they are very rare and vigilant.

App Developers

In Blockchain development, Our Half Work was Already completed with help of a core developer so we don't need to build a blockchain app from scratch.

Well, this is analogous to software developers whereby software developers usually build applications on their code editors but they do not build code editor each time they are building an app.

A question arises from here. Which Blockchain client should you consider learning to become a blockchain app developer.

On top of the List, Ethereum Blockchain stands at the top and is used to provide the all features but Binance smart chain is more scalable and reduces transaction charges. Quite cheap, right?

Well, they all run on EVM which stands for Ethereum virtual machine. that means if you learn the Ethereum blockchain you will be able to develop in this other blockchain more easily.


Becoming a blockchain developer takes a lot of practice and commitment. It requires efforts you put every day you learn, practice, and make beautiful projects.

Some of the Projects you can go with if you are a newbie in this field but have some knowledge.

  1. Simple storage where you will be able to change or modify the data of your smart contract and it ceases being a read-only smart contract.

  2. Ether wallet where you can store cryptos.

  3. Airdrops are a process to deliver tokens for free.

See you in the next one. Bye, Bye.

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